Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Hello Miss X

Hello Miss X, how do you do; have you missed me like I've missed you? And does every smile that we make take our breath away? There's so much I'd like to do with you, so much I'd like to say. Take a walk, drink a glass of wine, hold your hand as we shut our eyes and pretend nobody is watching. I've done that in my dreams, you know: dreampt of the foggy beach on a cold November. Just you and I there, no one else; the sunset fire is your hair.
There's so much I'd like to tell you--whenever I see you I feel my head crammed with 1,000 things to say. One thousand too many for lack of knowledge to say what I really mean. Its not that I don't want to speak to you, I just don't know how. Show me what you like and I'll say it all to you--teach me the steps to your waltz and you know that I'll dance for you.
Sometimes I wonder if you've noticed me--I doubt that I can even see myself at times. And yet your silent sting is not enough to cure me, only ample to extend my mindless agony. If I danced with you--just one dance--and looked into your eyes would you let me reach inside and gently touch your soul? Would you let me kiss your hand and would you smile if I whispered that I love you? That smile would mean the world to me.

P.S Nope, its not for my ex that I wrote this... the first two sentances are actually a piece of a poem I'm working on.

Picture Time

Alright so I've finally got around to taking some picture's... before continuing on you should be warned that.... well.... the first image is a bit disturbing. "Yo whatsup in the hood brother? I'm like so ghetto haha!"

But here's a normal one, no I wasn't posing, was actually thinking of a pose.

And thats about it... there was this clip that we took but I'll save that for later. Yessss, much much later....

Monday, October 30, 2006

Down Down the Rabbit Hole

No haven't been reading Alice in Wonderland (though it is a good story) but rather Alice and the Magic Garden, turns out that there's some pretty good analogies that can be drawn from it. To me, its almost like a fortelling of what happened in the family: Alice, of course, being us, the magician being Satan, and the weeds and giants the compromises that we had let into our lives before the renewal. And yeah, you can pretty much guess the rest.

All the old letters are pretty wicked awsome, it helps a lot to go read back on them and stuff sometimes--it helps remind me of what it means to be in a revolution.

In other news, just got back from a roadtrip and--in case you don't know what that means here in San Antonio--*clears throat and talks in redneck accent* "It means that ya juz stood out front of a north Texas Wal-Mart for 8 hours a day getting yow ass beat by the good ol' friendly sun".... Seriously though, some of my JETTS look like they've just died of stroke. Speaking of which, I gotta go see if I can try to revive the Invalid (Mikey) he's the palest one of the lot and, therfore, the most red now... *mutters to self* Where did you put those pills...

Monday, October 23, 2006

The world is a circle without a beginning

Actually its not... we have a telescope at my place and I made the most wonderful discovery that will greaty assist me in my wicket weaving: The world is a 4D Hexagon that revolves around a gaint cheetoe. Strange isn't it?

Today's been full of strange things though. I did alot today (which is very odd on weekends when I'm not out) My dad took all my JETTS away to climb a big rock and so I stayed back cleaning the house and cooking. I love to cook though. When you really get into it its an art. Don't do it much but when I do I really put alot into it. Gotta have the right ingerdients though, I have having to cook when you have nothing to add to it... Its like, "Hell, how do you freakin expect the steak to taste when its made with ketchup and processed cheese?"

Been listening to Aerosmith all this afternoon... good music for when your all alone in a house and no one can hear you singing along. Somehow, that music never fails to leave me depressed afterwards. But thats not bad, small doses of depression is what fuels alot of my poetry. Speaking of which, began another piece today. Not really done but I'll put it up here anyways. I don't got a title for it though, but as a rule I never title any of my works until the final draft is complete. Strange I know, but everythings been weird today.

Suspended o'er the world I gaze
With eagle eyes and eagle feet,
And, glistening, in my golden grave
I lie as dead as vulture meat.

I am the vulture--hear me screech!
My erie eyes behold thy cleft,
My toxin words at last beseech
Thy vixen hold to heal whats left.

Vixen? No, thou cannot be so
Tis I who's vixen and the fox;
And you are graceful as the roe
My innards bleed inside your trots.

And with your kiss you form my wound,
My vulture eyes can see no more;
They looked for danger as you swooned
For those across the salty floor.

But though you stray far from my eyes,
Thy fairy form I won't despise.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Knowledge of Ignorance

I usually don't work with Verse Libre. In fact, I try to write it as little as possible. Something about it not haing any form irks me. However, for some odd reason I've been obsessed with it all day and finished a new piece this afternoon... Not the best of my works but oh well.

Knowledge of Ignorance

My mind is shot
The pen is dry…
As I listen
To your soul cry

The dead know better
Then this
Their hollow graves were wrought
By my tears

And the empty hand
That reached into
Your void,
Returns void
And empty

Yes! pretermit
My ignoble desires
Their disdainful indeed.
For all I ever wanted
To do
Was love you.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Were we mad?

I've been looking through some stuff I wrote in my adventures a couple of years back. Not exactly prose but... bah I don't really know what to call it. It was amusing though, I was having therapist sessions with myself and writing them down... it was easy to amuse me back then. Anyways here is one of 'em... number 3 or something of the sort. No i'm not insane.

Therapist: Welcome to this session... what might be the problem?
Patient: There is no problem
Therapist: There isn't?
Patient: No... LOOK OUT *grabs therapist and tackles him to the ground*
Therapist: What was that all about?
Patient: Well... you didn't see them?
Therapist: No, I don't think so... what are they?
Patient: The killer sheep... and... and Argh! *runs around room frantically* Morbid penguins!
Therapist: Sit down, sit down... their gone now.
Patient: True, how did you know?
Therapist:They told me so. Now what did you used to do when you were younger?
Pateint: Well... I counted sheep, then fell asleep, and woke up with a girl named "Smith" in my room.
Therapist: And how many times did that happen?
Patient: You don't seem to understand, THERE ARE APES DOWN THERE!!!
Therapist: Where? Down where?
Patient: Down in Africa. *at this point the patient grins smugly at the threapist as if he's discovered some strange and terrible truth*
Therapist:Apparently so... I take it you used to travel?
Patient: Of course I did.
Therapist: Where would you go to?
Patient: Oftentimes to the latrine... it was quite the adventure, you know?
Therapist: O.k... where else?
Patient: I once went to Leichenstien. thats where I met HIM!
Therapist: Who?
Pateint: Billy Bob.
Therapist: What does he do?
Patient: He teaches the fine art of advanced carpentry to blind deaf-mutes. its quite the growing feild these days. Did you know that the smell olfactory for roses is located right next to the one for gastrointestinal gas?
Therapist: I think I would rather not hear that.
Patient: Why ever not?
Therapist: because... its simply not pleasent.
Patient: What animal are you?
Therapist: I don't think I am an animal.
Patient: You must be or else why would you act as savagely as one?
Therapist: I don't, but aside from that, what do you do for hobbies?
Patient: My aunt forced me to join the CIA
Therapist: Interesting hobby, what do you do there?
Patient: We sit in a circle and say whats wrong with us... sometimes we pass a cookie jar.
Therapist: But I was led to beleive that the CIA is a spy agency--is it not?
Pateint: Oh no, we're the "Cronically Insane Assosiation"
Therapist: Ah, now I understand.
Patient: Dr. what would you do with 1,000,000 dollars?
Therapist: I would give it to charity... and you?
Patient: Well, its rather personal but........ I would fufill a fantasy that involves two naked ladies, a duck, a great quantitiy of rubber bands and a zucchini.
Therapist: Interesting to say the least.
Patient: Really? I thought so too my, my Dr. we do share alot in common... ack! They've returned and now there is no escape. *runs to window and opens it*
Therapist: Nooooo!
Patient: *jumps* Toodaloo Dr. give my love to your orchid plants *hits ground*
(End of Session)

And yep... thats about it. On a lighter note though here's something me and Mikey did the other day. We we're bored and he wanted me to read something out of a litterature book. I sound like a bloody preacher--if you can undersstand half of what I'm saying I apllaud you.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Remember remember the fifth of November

And so I did it.... I finally saw V for Vendetta. Pitiful that I didn't see it in the theater but oh well. Its a very good movie though, I love the alliteration V makes use of when he first meets Evy. Alot of big words there that I don't understand. After seeing it, I was talking to Mikey (one of my JETTS) and he suggested that we do something to commerate the fifth as well. Something was mentioned about going to the park and lighting a ducks tail aflame but we're still stumped as to how we could do that and not get charged with arson by the cops.

For any matter, I went to a get-together in our area here. Played soccer and stuff... wasn't the best game though. I try to keep the scoring to 2 at the max and when I let three goals in its just pisses me off. It was a tie game but I really should be doing better. I'm out of practise though, haven't played a good game since Wordstock but hopefully I'll get back into practice again.

I've had alot on my mind recently. Most of its missing my psycho already. She tells me that she's getting on the 7:30 train and heading out to Hollywood.... Alright fine so its more like South Africa and she's flying, I don't care about details and that kinda loving will still drive a man insane. I really need to call her though, but she's been busy, my psycho has. Once she leaves I'll probably be all moody and post a picture or two but it won't last too long I sware. Don't want to make it sound like she died or anything.

I feel like I'm dying though, playing soccer for a few hours in the Texas sun will suck the life-blood outta anyone these days. Gotta go drink something, I feel like my head is a friggin percussion instrument....

Monday, October 16, 2006

In Search of Moles

I've recently began to read "The Wind in the Willows".... again. Really good book, kind of a family favorite... try to read it once a year. Never cared much for mole or badger, rat's alright. Toad's first rate though, he's my favorite literary character. Used to fancy myself akin to him when I was like eight or nine, curiously enough I had mania's for random household objects at that time as well. Thats when I began writing too

Speaking of writing though, I've finished a new piece. Blank verse... kind of a doodle in attempts to make my style a bit more spontaneous and random. Its been a long time since I've worked with form though, I'm starting to miss my rhyming couplets.

Anyways, here it is... and I'm off, I haven't eaten a bite all day.

Heigho Geronimo

Your simmered words weld upon
The crooked anvil of my ears,
Each note a twisted leap
As spiders shimmy on the cords
Of my marionettish heart.

Heigho Geronimo!

For, surely, there’s more fish that swim
In the murky depths of sea;
Yet, I care only for you—
My hallowed, hated, dream-catch.
I am you treacherous Ahab
Yet you’ve torn my heart asunder
And left both legs attached.

For, this is the bare subtlety
Of our shared, divining love.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Hello... and...and... I'm Here

Ta-da... yes I've finally done it. I swore I never would but I have. I HAVE MADE A BLOG!

And not just any blog mind you, no no this is going to be an adventure, an entirely Dre-ish one too. *turns round and round in random circles* See that? That was an adventure.

So, heigho ladies and gentlemen, its off to the land of Togo we go! Wicket weavers, weave the way. The adventure has begun!