Saturday, April 28, 2007

Artistic Tribute 3

In music, this weeks runner is Marie Goode and her song "Fighting the Rain" (which you can find here: Its slower then what I usually enjoy but still, listen to it or I will use your soul as string to sew back the right eye of Mr. Friendly. (Mwahahaha feel the wrath of KAHN!!) In my humble opinion she's got a very very good voice though, probably better then any other female vocalist in the family.

And Marie, if your reading this I just want to say thank you for making this song. You don't know how many times it helped me with stuff that I've been going through so yes, I love you tons and tons girl so smile, o.k?


Tuesday, April 24, 2007

New Poetry

Here's something new I've been working on. Its going to be another surrealism piece but its going to be entirely poetry, unlike its sister piece "Dreams of the Weaver" (for all of you that read the latter, you understand what I'm talking about.) Anyways, yes, its going to be called "Seasons of Sleeplessness" or something of the sort... not entirely solid on deciding about that as the title yet but I'm sure I'll figure it out. Its a collection of poems, each with its different corrsponding season, and yeah, here's the first four stanza's of the chapter titled, "Winter."

It's cold: flakes of frost encompass
My already frozen doorway,
And all the world wears white tonight—
Her very best, no more, no less
For yonder Yule celebration.
(You would wear white if it suited
The frozen chambers of the soul.)

Wear white, wear white—oh what delight:
Where snow will reign dark lurketh still!
My room is deep in such darkness
That not even the grateful dead
Would ever dare to comfort me;
Amongst their tombs I sit as they
Lacking only their restful will.

My nights have last one thousand years,
And each seem different from the age
Where we spoke of spring, till the sun
Would clamber up our windowpane.
Night is deep now; and deeper still
Are the caves I feel within me,
Dug solely by your absent wake.

I saw a crowd of children once
With frost upon their rosy cheeks;
They swam and sung within the snow
And hung their lanterns to and fro,
Reminding me of how we were—
Green for your placid peacefulness,
Blue for the chills of frosted souls.

And yes, thats all for now. Ta-ta everyone and, don't worry, it will be finished soon enough.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Artistic Tribute 2

In Art, this weeks runner is Boris Vallejo (fantasy, erotica and sci-fi art.) What I like best about him is that he mixes sci-fi and fantasy art styles alot and does it in a very colorful way. Here's a couple of personal favorites.


Thursday, April 19, 2007

Happy Birthday Danny

Happy Birthday Danny!! Man... time goes by real fast it was almost like yesterday that you were a lil guy, still in diapers and doing 3rd grade. O.k fine, so those two things were like years ago but still, the arguments we've had over useless subjects, the swordfighting with sticks when we were younger, all the stupid jokes we've shared--its been the best man... happy 15th!! Thats right, ladies and gents, he's nearly a *gasp* SR. now... but he already looks like one honestly, this picture of me and him is just old, thats all.

And yes, here's the thing I said I had for you... sorry I didn't send it, you never gave me your new email adress. Hope this year kicks butt like never before!
(Note to all the rest of you: If you lived with him for any amount of time you'd understand the humor in the poem, but yes, oh well....)

They say “Knowledge is power”
And yet, for all your knowing
I am still stronger then you.
Yet, strangely, could it be
That with all your, “useless facts”
That you alone can scare me?

Your minds a tactician’s hell:
Retreat, alas, and sally hence;
Philosopher’s worst nightmare
To find a hold of heat within,
And yet, your Furies Fire
Burns brighter then bitter cold.

Ponderous… uselessly so,
Your heads the highest tower
Hades himself could not undo.
Not stubborn, only willful
Your arrogance outlasts you—
Falling is but your actor’s tale.

And stars swim by your bed nightly
Their flames engulf your dreams tightly,
So lead on, little brother,
Flames you need never to fear
Reach to the stars that bind you—
Bite them in your insanity.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Artistic Tribute 1

Every week from now on, I'm going to make it a habit to post a tribute (along with a work or two) of something artistically great and the people that have done it. Litterature, Art, sculpting, architecture, music... any type of art. Just so people can know what I think is pretty.

Let me clarify though what is art... it is someting beautiful, that has stood the test of time, and that drives me. Good Charolette is not art, comic books and Tom Clancy is not art...

Anyways yes, here is the first runner up: Sylvia Plath... god I love Sylvia Plath

Mad Girl's Love Song

"I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead;
I lift my lids and all is born again.
(I think I made you up inside my head.)

The stars go waltzing out in blue and red,
And arbitrary blackness gallops in:
I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead.

I dreamed that you bewitched me into bed
And sung me moon-struck, kissed me quite insane.
(I think I made you up inside my head.)

God topples from the sky, hell's fires fade:
Exit seraphim and Satan's men:
I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead.

I fancied you'd return the way you said,
But I grow old and I forget your name.
(I think I made you up inside my head.)

I should have loved a thunderbird instead;
At least when spring comes they roar back again.
I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead.
(I think I made you up inside my head.)"


Monday, April 09, 2007

Food for thought

Its odd what can inspire some of my idea's...
Like yesterday, I was having a bit of a discussion with a friend of mine about writing and he, being somewhat of a perfectionist on the subject, decided to list the entire process to me, verbatim Beka. "First you get full of your subject, then you write the first draft and then...." (About here is where I stopped listening to what he was saying and a thought came into my head):

Question: Get full of a subject before you write......but what is it that people are full of?

Answer: Shit!

Me: Ah then, one should write about shit!

Honestly now, that is an odd idea but it gets one wondering.... words are such wonderful things to twist around no? Speaking of writing though, I posted a piece of surrealism in my writing blog (you can find it in the prosiac section) so yes, if your interested feel free to give it a peek.

But yes, must run now, the devil loves an idle worker.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Something Cool

You gotta know someone up there loves you when something like this happens...

Right, well first off I was kinda worried cause there was a chance that I would not be allowed to go to WS this year, just for different reasons. And I was all worried about it and stuff but then yesterday I get this letter from the JT office.

Me: *cringe cringe* God give me grace for whatever it is.....
Them: Your accepted!!!
Me: Praise be the good Jesus! *weeps in touges*

Then, about five minutes later I get another message, this time from the RD's because I had written them awhile back asking for access to turn FD. Turns out, they said yes too and the best part is that I don't have to wait to rejoin here in the States but I can do it when I find my home in Europe.... I've had a huge grin on my face ever since.

It really odd when stuff like this happens; its like you go through alot coming into the year and it seems like nothing is going right and no matter what you do, things just get worse and worse. Then boom, just like that, things get suddenly better and your riding in cloud nine.

All that to say, Jesus is too good to me, I could never ever deserve a fraction of what he has given me.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

What ever happened to the old man's heart?

Why, it was swallowed by pain as he slowly fell apart. What else did you think it would be?

Shinedown has become a recent favorite to play on my laptop, Brent Smith's voice is a near divinity. I've also picked up reading Jack London again which always makes me shiver inside. I would definately refer his stuff to people. Something about it seems all so base, almost primordial in its savagery and yet refined as well... ah wonderful wonderful stuff indeed.

Something for the senses: my sister did these and she's only bloody 13!!!