Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I Dream of Athens

Do not ask, "What is the meaning of it?" I assure you, it has none. More literature has been mauled by "meaning" than by any other thing. I am fully convinced that art need no real moral in order to exude beauty. That is the chief principle of the thing: the beauty of it. Without it, art ceases to exist. So just listen to the words...let them roll off your tongue. It will be enjoyable, trust me.

I Dream of Athens

I entered once a Gypsies tent
My mind awhirl with dark intent,
As cyclone swirls of fragrant smoke
Twirled round us both to make us choke,
And lack of candles mirrored my
Ardent crave for secret scry;
And as I touched the beads around
That’s clung to both the walls and ground
I fancied that this mystic room
Were so astoundingly a tomb.

“I dream of Greece, dear traveler,
I crave—most crave—desire her,
The idle shepherd by the dell
Watches the maid nearby the well
Whom, blushing from the summer heat
Then sees the boy among his sheep,
And then the shepherd thinks that she
Turns so red because of he.
Emboldened by her secret nooks
He seduces her with looks,
And she’ll relinquish chastity
To vanquish her virginity.

“I dream of Sparta where the men
Are strong in arm and dim in ken,
Where food is ill and even worse
Is their bold, barbaric verse;
Yet men of war are rarely found
Except in Sparta, they abound.
The spear and shield are but the same
As is their arm, their heart, their name;
And in the blood of fallen lie
Their Glorified, at last, to die.

“I dream of Thebes and all Theban:
Where every god is god and man,
Where springs the life of every myth;
The favorite of the gods; their pith
Is sole to save those ancient walls
And vaunted knowledge of their halls,
Where turncoat is as easy found
In battlefield, as underground.

“I dream of Corinth where the sails
Billow amongst the clouds, and wails
Of seagull high whom, by default,
Do glide their way through sprays of salt.
And slaves do line up on the decks
Of merchant ships, around their necks
Are plaques to tell where each called home:
From Egypt, Persia, even Rome.
Then, in the night, the wine does flow
With fragrances of mountain snow,
And spices wrought from Hades hand
Invades the nose of every man,
And burns the brain of every sense
With thick carpets of incense.

“Yet, more than these, I dream bejeweled
Of She above whom none have ruled;
Rich, marble tassels drape her breast
While sweet and silent is her rest,
Her sons of strong and brazen limb
Could overthrow the gods at whim.
Yet do they not—alas!—their care
Is Aphrodite’s golden hair,
Is for Athena, every boy
Is soon become her lovers toy.
The clarity of Pericles
Could place the Scythian at ease,
And every word of wise Plato
Does cause a citizen to grow
Aware of life, aware of self,
Aware of one’s internal wealth’
While, with pride they gaze upon
The vast, enduring, Parthenon.”

At last, complete, the Gypsy rose
And tearing his own tattered clothes
Beat his breast with rendering wail
That made his sullen check seem pale,
And reaching for his kerchief rag
Wiped his nose until it sagged.
“Here ye lad” he said, at last,
“Alas, alack, those times be past
Although in dreams all men be same:
Orphans recall their mother’s name
And I have seen my strength go weak,
And I fancied too I were a Greek!”


Sunday, June 15, 2008

Let Us See Now...

I realize that I've been a bit neglectful of updates and for that I'm sorry. I've had my fair share of business this month but lets just see what we've been up to, yes?

The RD's wrote me back and said I have permission to turn FD. *Score!!* I'm quite excited, really, but don't know where I want to go to. I like it here in Canada though, but wherever the lord leads, I guess. Brazil could be an option too. Keep it in your prayers, yes?

Been fermenting more details for my novelette... basically that means that I haven't found it in myself to work on it much. Heh... However, I've found the impetus the muse has required (a shrubbery!) and I'm going to work on it again tonight. Been reading too... some Sherlock Holmes, some Oscar Wilde. And the more I read from each the more I'm convinced that Holmes is a Gemini and I secretly, shamefully, am in love with Greece.

Been getting better and better wordtimes recently too. I'll tell you one thing for sure, Jesus is quite the guy and is really all that one will ever need. The Quality Wordtime series is really awesome... if you haven't had a chance to read it do so... now! It will change your life.

I have a smile on my face, two of the three teams I have money on for the Euro cup are doing well. I never thought the Dutch would pull it off but 3-0 against Italy and 4-1 against France makes me very happy. Germany's doing o.k... a lil shaky against the Corats, but we'll do better in the quarter-finals yeah?

Gotta go but smile! Its does wonders for your complexion these days.

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Post Script

A little piece of the novelette I'm working on that, for the past hour, I've had the urge to post. Its part of the philosophical argument between Alexander and Satan, and my final analysis on Philosophy. The first speaker is Satan, disguised as a gardener, the second is the protagonist, Alexander Whittenburg.

“I have done what we have agreed; I have revealed to you the truth. Truth is God, govn’r, the only way which mortals can be made to comprehend Him. If not, then one cannot be convinced of His existence. It is impossible.”

“Ah, what useless jabber then is all philosophy and argument. One shall claim they have found the truth; another will come and challenge him. They both shall disprove the other and a third will then pick up the remains. Not one of them though will ever define the truth of life, or living. Yes, what a marvelous mockery of science it is: the grandest pedestal of ordure.”

“I agree, my man, I agree. And yet, what fools mortals are for tasting it so willingly.”

“Yes, fools, grand fools indeed.”

“Even those that use it?”

“Even those that use it.”

“Even those that condemn it?”

“Especially those that do!” I smiled, slyly.

“Correct you are then, what a charming tête-à-tête, one could use your wit in hell. But now to more pressing matters; the night wanes on, govn’r, and I must make haste to the America’s soon. Come now, sign this document for I have shown you the truth and you soul is forfeit to me.”

The discourse does not end there though, but if you want to read the whole thing, well then, consider this a taster or something of the sort. It should be out soon enough. Cheers.



A lot of people have been asking me recently just what it is that I find attractive in a girl. Perhaps its because they think I'm picky, or that my tastes are fickle. I'll swear up and down I'll never be attracted to a certain quality or look and then--lo and behold--my next Venus will be the bane of my vehement resolution. To be honest, I do not believe myself to be picky. Skin color, eye color or all of those accessories do not make much of a difference to me...except for noses, I have a thing for girls with a pretty face. However, there is one quality that I do look for in the opposite sex, whether I'm attracted to them or not. Something that all my good friends have in common, now that I think about it. Intelligence. Yes... thats it... plain and simple.

Now, I do not mean intelligence by the simple use of the three R's. Anyone with any shard of intellect knows that the stuff is quite beyond that. I'm quite convinced that intelligence leaves its mark upon one; there is no way that you can hide it. Neither is it confined to those whom are better at scholastics. In fact, some of the most intelligent persons I know of failed various school subjects miserably.

Then, what is "intelligence"? It's being able to hold a reasonable conversation about more then just different types of nail polish, or styles of clothing. One must speak of something, even if they are not the best versed in their field. One must learn what they can grasp and learn it well, no matter what their field of study. What of art, music, history, literature, philosophy, politics, metaphysics, science, strategy, or any of the other finer aspects of society? These are things that all civilization is affected by to some degree. To ignore all of these and to limit one's views to mediocrity is akin to mental suicide. However, there is more to intelligence then even these, for intelligence is many different things. One must be unique, be creative in life no matter what they do, be made to learn by living every second of every day, for then one is brought to the knowledge of all things.

What bothers me the most however--and what I believe hinders intelligence more than anything else--is for one to try too hard to have it. Intelligence "is", and cannot "be" and to try to show off to someone by thinking Poe or Shakespeare are the pinnacle of literature, or Van Gogh of art, is more of a joke than anything really. I honestly believe that everyone has it within them to be intelligent. It is a common gift to mankind. However, few oh so few are willing to make the effort to reach out and claim it as their own, especially in this modern day and age.

I've just eaten a most marvelous bowl of cabbage soup made my my mother today. With lamb, and rye seeds, and little shreds of cheese in it. Befitting way to end a tiring day. She's German, so she knows how to make it properly, so deal with it.

Adieu, mon ami--mon dieu!--Je suis défait!


Tuesday, June 03, 2008

And Again

Its today....
