I've been looking through some stuff I wrote in my adventures a couple of years back. Not exactly prose but... bah I don't really know what to call it. It was amusing though, I was having therapist sessions with myself and writing them down... it was easy to amuse me back then. Anyways here is one of 'em... number 3 or something of the sort. No i'm not insane.
Therapist: Welcome to this session... what might be the problem?
Patient: There is no problem
Therapist: There isn't?
Patient: No... LOOK OUT *grabs therapist and tackles him to the ground*
Therapist: What was that all about?
Patient: Well... you didn't see them?
Therapist: No, I don't think so... what are they?
Patient: The killer sheep... and... and Argh! *runs around room frantically* Morbid penguins!
Therapist: Sit down, sit down... their gone now.
Patient: True, how did you know?
Therapist:They told me so. Now what did you used to do when you were younger?
Pateint: Well... I counted sheep, then fell asleep, and woke up with a girl named "Smith" in my room.
Therapist: And how many times did that happen?
Patient: You don't seem to understand, THERE ARE APES DOWN THERE!!!
Therapist: Where? Down where?
Patient: Down in Africa. *at this point the patient grins smugly at the threapist as if he's discovered some strange and terrible truth*
Therapist:Apparently so... I take it you used to travel?
Patient: Of course I did.
Therapist: Where would you go to?
Patient: Oftentimes to the latrine... it was quite the adventure, you know?
Therapist: O.k... where else?
Patient: I once went to Leichenstien. thats where I met HIM!
Therapist: Who?
Pateint: Billy Bob.
Therapist: What does he do?
Patient: He teaches the fine art of advanced carpentry to blind deaf-mutes. its quite the growing feild these days. Did you know that the smell olfactory for roses is located right next to the one for gastrointestinal gas?
Therapist: I think I would rather not hear that.
Patient: Why ever not?
Therapist: because... its simply not pleasent.
Patient: What animal are you?
Therapist: I don't think I am an animal.
Patient: You must be or else why would you act as savagely as one?
Therapist: I don't, but aside from that, what do you do for hobbies?
Patient: My aunt forced me to join the CIA
Therapist: Interesting hobby, what do you do there?
Patient: We sit in a circle and say whats wrong with us... sometimes we pass a cookie jar.
Therapist: But I was led to beleive that the CIA is a spy agency--is it not?
Pateint: Oh no, we're the "Cronically Insane Assosiation"
Therapist: Ah, now I understand.
Patient: Dr. what would you do with 1,000,000 dollars?
Therapist: I would give it to charity... and you?
Patient: Well, its rather personal but........ I would fufill a fantasy that involves two naked ladies, a duck, a great quantitiy of rubber bands and a zucchini.
Therapist: Interesting to say the least.
Patient: Really? I thought so too my, my Dr. we do share alot in common... ack! They've returned and now there is no escape. *runs to window and opens it*
Therapist: Nooooo!
Patient: *jumps* Toodaloo Dr. give my love to your orchid plants *hits ground*
(End of Session)
And yep... thats about it. On a lighter note though here's something me and Mikey did the other day. We we're bored and he wanted me to read something out of a litterature book. I sound like a bloody preacher--if you can undersstand half of what I'm saying I apllaud you.