Sunday, June 15, 2008

Let Us See Now...

I realize that I've been a bit neglectful of updates and for that I'm sorry. I've had my fair share of business this month but lets just see what we've been up to, yes?

The RD's wrote me back and said I have permission to turn FD. *Score!!* I'm quite excited, really, but don't know where I want to go to. I like it here in Canada though, but wherever the lord leads, I guess. Brazil could be an option too. Keep it in your prayers, yes?

Been fermenting more details for my novelette... basically that means that I haven't found it in myself to work on it much. Heh... However, I've found the impetus the muse has required (a shrubbery!) and I'm going to work on it again tonight. Been reading too... some Sherlock Holmes, some Oscar Wilde. And the more I read from each the more I'm convinced that Holmes is a Gemini and I secretly, shamefully, am in love with Greece.

Been getting better and better wordtimes recently too. I'll tell you one thing for sure, Jesus is quite the guy and is really all that one will ever need. The Quality Wordtime series is really awesome... if you haven't had a chance to read it do so... now! It will change your life.

I have a smile on my face, two of the three teams I have money on for the Euro cup are doing well. I never thought the Dutch would pull it off but 3-0 against Italy and 4-1 against France makes me very happy. Germany's doing o.k... a lil shaky against the Corats, but we'll do better in the quarter-finals yeah?

Gotta go but smile! Its does wonders for your complexion these days.


At 5:23 AM , Blogger Elisa de la Torre said...

hey you can't leave before I get there and see you, ok?
And what, you didn't put money on Spain? We are the 1st on our group, 4-1 against Russia and 2-1 against Sweden. *grin*

At 8:19 AM , Blogger Queen Killjoy said...

dre, you foolish boy. don't go to brazil unless you can speak the language. i fear you shall be beaten and bruised and left lying naked in an alleyway somewhere. no really though, go somewhere english-speaking if you go anywhere at all, yes? good boy.

At 6:38 PM , Blogger Aslkajack said...

HOHO! Don't worry, if you come to Brazil I'll take care of you. If bad men trying to beat and bruise you and steal you're clothes, I can run very fast and call for help! Hehe... no, go where the Lord leads you so you can be sure you're in the right place and be the most fulfilled. Love you tons!!!!

At 10:15 AM , Blogger thisisme said...

Brazil is just an option guys... I didn't mean it as anything concrete.

But yes... Spain did do well against Italy Ely. Hats off to them for that. It'd be fun to watch them against Germany in the finals, yeah?

At 4:47 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

bet you were pissed when Germany lost to Spain in the finals 0-1hah. Don't go to Brazil every third person in the Family lives there, granted its great if you want to get fellow ship but all of that is distracting when you want to witness, if you have the stuff (i.e. Spartan)to be a real Family member go some place like Ukraine, Russia, or China (Not to say that all the Family in Brazil are not real Family members, just it's different)but not Brazil. Beaten paths are for beaten men I'm I right? At any rate do what the Lord shows you man. LOL


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