Saturday, June 07, 2008


A lot of people have been asking me recently just what it is that I find attractive in a girl. Perhaps its because they think I'm picky, or that my tastes are fickle. I'll swear up and down I'll never be attracted to a certain quality or look and then--lo and behold--my next Venus will be the bane of my vehement resolution. To be honest, I do not believe myself to be picky. Skin color, eye color or all of those accessories do not make much of a difference to me...except for noses, I have a thing for girls with a pretty face. However, there is one quality that I do look for in the opposite sex, whether I'm attracted to them or not. Something that all my good friends have in common, now that I think about it. Intelligence. Yes... thats it... plain and simple.

Now, I do not mean intelligence by the simple use of the three R's. Anyone with any shard of intellect knows that the stuff is quite beyond that. I'm quite convinced that intelligence leaves its mark upon one; there is no way that you can hide it. Neither is it confined to those whom are better at scholastics. In fact, some of the most intelligent persons I know of failed various school subjects miserably.

Then, what is "intelligence"? It's being able to hold a reasonable conversation about more then just different types of nail polish, or styles of clothing. One must speak of something, even if they are not the best versed in their field. One must learn what they can grasp and learn it well, no matter what their field of study. What of art, music, history, literature, philosophy, politics, metaphysics, science, strategy, or any of the other finer aspects of society? These are things that all civilization is affected by to some degree. To ignore all of these and to limit one's views to mediocrity is akin to mental suicide. However, there is more to intelligence then even these, for intelligence is many different things. One must be unique, be creative in life no matter what they do, be made to learn by living every second of every day, for then one is brought to the knowledge of all things.

What bothers me the most however--and what I believe hinders intelligence more than anything else--is for one to try too hard to have it. Intelligence "is", and cannot "be" and to try to show off to someone by thinking Poe or Shakespeare are the pinnacle of literature, or Van Gogh of art, is more of a joke than anything really. I honestly believe that everyone has it within them to be intelligent. It is a common gift to mankind. However, few oh so few are willing to make the effort to reach out and claim it as their own, especially in this modern day and age.

I've just eaten a most marvelous bowl of cabbage soup made my my mother today. With lamb, and rye seeds, and little shreds of cheese in it. Befitting way to end a tiring day. She's German, so she knows how to make it properly, so deal with it.

Adieu, mon ami--mon dieu!--Je suis défait!



At 9:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do not mix intellect with social skills or even common sense.
You of all people should know that some of the most brilliant people were the ones with out social skills and even sometimes lacked common sense.

And honestly, you kinda got off of the beginning topic a bit haha.

At 12:25 AM , Blogger Queen Killjoy said...

tsk tsk. i'm afraid, darling, that you have a slight problem with keeping your mind focused on one thing at a time. cabbage soup indeed!!!

At 9:26 AM , Blogger thisisme said...


That was not really the intention at all... to mix those three together, at least. I never once spoke of common sense in my post.


I do have that problem... but the entire day I wrote this post my mind was a bit topsy-turvy. Another one of my moods.


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