Another One
There's something about this piece that I don't like... I'm not certain really, but I do know that I like the last stanza and the fourth and fifth lines on the second. Just a little scribbling to get the creative juices back and flowing.
By moonlight in the rainy night
Slick contours of shivering black
Wrapped their shadow fingers round
My frozen, iron toes; stumbling
Along empty, eerie, passageways.
Oh my stomach!—stick with me now;
Do not desert me as my mind!
The coward, the coward! Run he has
Along the way to hunt down dreams
That trapeze off the precipice.
I dance, I dance!—sleepy Rumba
Music drapes the lining of my bed
With its gossamer, milky flames;
I hear loud tapping—is it drums,
Is it the knocking of my knees?
As I drift down the swirling barge
Upon the river of my sleep;
I do not know, yet stay yourself
And watch as I dissect tigers
For the ancient Indus Queen.
Labels: writing and poetry