Friday, September 28, 2007

You know when's the hardest part of blogging...

When you got nothing to say...

My minds been blank since the middle of the month, blink my eyes once or twice and everything seems to pass right by me. I don't know when it began...or even if it began with me... but at some point this month life decided to overtake me. The bastard!

It'll be October soon, the ageless trees will lift their hands and droop their brightned leaves to set the world ablaze.

I truly miss the delightful smell of cedar smoke.

I'll have pictures soon, when I can get around to posting them, internet here is rather ify at the moment. But here... I was meaning to save this for a rainy day, but I guess now will suffice. Done in parody of a certain psycho's works...lets just se if we can guess who... hehe

Midgetate the Midgetator:
I am the frog that croaks at noon,
The violent swirl inside a spoon
My bladder bleeds for redemption.
Level out the fourth wall in me--
The dust will hide your deluge dance
While sickles come to cut us down
From the hands of the jealous gods
Because we loved too brazenly,
Beyond the foaming moon.


Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Downtown Cluj

Here's some pics from the two day vacation that the teens in our home had last week. Went Downtown for the whole day was great.

Me and Isofel with our friendship flowers...

These are pictures from the Orthodox church we visited. Some 300 years old... awesome architecture in it.

Us being weird. The idea was to try to look like a member of the priest council. Martin looks like Febus the 7th, the great ape king. Shaun just looks like the living dead.:P

Some authentic Roman ruins, in the center of the city....
And yes, thats about it for now. Next time I'll have some of the second day, when we went to the gorge. So yes, don't miss next times exciting episode, who will triumph?
And speaking of champions, friends, Canine Crunchies is the champion of all dog biscuits.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Artistic Tribute 7

This weeks runner is Don Mclean... for his wonderful song Vincent, written in honor of Vincent Van Gogh, the famous Dutch painter. I'm not one for system music but... listen to it. Its beautiful.

Here's the link:

And yes.. I'll have pictures soon enough, this weeks been stressful, but thank you all that have been praying for me.



Monday, September 10, 2007

The Reason Why I Haven't Posted

Is cause I'm sick.... ha... yes... because I'm sick, I think thats good enough, don't you?

Pray for me.

I've been couging alot today, when I talk it gets hard to breathe and when I spit out the stuff its half mucus half water. I have weak lungs so I get stuff like this sometimes.

Love you though, and I will have you know that I do have something to post about next time, even a picture or two so yeah. See you around.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

The Birth of Whores

Happy (begrudging) birthday Teeny, you harlot... one more year of life upon this earth... god... one would have thought that you would have died alrady and therefore spare mankind of the unnecessary horror of your existence. 14 already, good lord, if you live a year more then I'll loose the bet to Mikey that you won't survive past the opening year of the offensive.

Face it darling, nobody likes your poetry... or your art... or even your music for that matter!! In your own words, life's a bithc so screw her good! Do me a favor today (since you didn't get me a bithday present) and die. Not a glorious, memorable death but a small, unoticed one. Find a corner, or vacant chimney and curl up and die.... after all... its only good manners.

Hahahaha, no no don't worry guys. (For those of you that don't know) Teeny's my lil sis and this whole post is a big inside joke between us. Her birthday is no joke though so happy birthday lil sis, love you and keep up with the writing... you'll surpass Rimbaud someday.
