Tuesday, February 20, 2007

So I bloody changed it

Yes, so I did... at the request of a friend (and since its her birthday and I have nothing else to give her) Pathetic, I know.

But I like it better, the black was messing with my mind after awhile. And you know what they (Benny Hill) says, "Its better to have a rich husband then a lover thats a nervous wreck."

Wait that doesn't work.... oh well nevermind then.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Bah..... Valentines

Yes so its a day late.. but I suppose its alright. Happy *cringes* Valentines Day. Honestly, I don't like the idea of present day Valentines, its too comercialised for my tastes. It seems that most people these days are too much into the "mushy-teddybears-heart to heart-cherub" nonsense and forget what romance and love really is. But not these guys, they made my day yesterday with their "ultra-studd" romance tips... its a tad bit long but, trutst me, its funny:P

Intrinsic Romance

Some things are inherently romantic, like hearts. This is very useful, because you can pile things upon the object of your affections and win romance points without expending any additional effort or thought. The trick is to figure out what is romantic and what is not. There is a basic rule of thumb to follow: if it's cool, it's not romantic. For example, high powered rifles are not romantic. Science fiction is not romantic. DVD players are not romantic unless they're playing Sleepless In Seattle. But a whole ton of things are intrinsically romantic, and you should use them to your advantage.

Cute Things:
Teddy bears are romantic. Puppies are romantic. Cherubic baby archers are romantic. Those photographs where two little kids exhibit an unnatural affection for each other and only the roses are in color are romantic. Taking advantage of the intrinsic romance in cute things obviously depends upon recognizing which things are cute. The rule is simple. Small things are cute. If you see a food product in a grocery store that comes in a smaller package than usual, get it, because there's a very good chance it's cute. The same goes for travel size shampoo, toothpaste, and so on. Find a store that sells doll house stuff, and your supply of cute things can be limitless.

Low Light:
Candles are romantic. Sunrises and sunsets are romantic. Any kind of low light, you see, is romantic, hence why dinner dates after dark are more romantic than lunch dates at noon. Combine low light sources, and it stands to reason that the air of romance will be so thick, your beloved will be blind to anything else but the radiance of her shimmering knight in armor. Open the curtains on a sunset and light some candles, and you might even be able to get away with watching a football game during dinner.

Red is romantic, because red is the color of love and passion. Consider roses. Red roses mean, "I love you." Yellow roses mean, "Let's just be friends," which is synonymous with, "You are irritating, and I hate you." So you do not want to be wrong. Get her red roses, red ribbons, red balloons, red teddy bears, red puppies, and red tickets to the World Series, and she'll fall hopelessly under your spell.

Background Music:
Background music is romantic, and note the word "background," because not just any music is romantic. For music to be romantic, it must be too soft to hear. Also, it may not be lively or funny or good. Elevator music is the most romantic genre of music out there.

Chocolates are not only romantic, they're complimentary. When you give a box of chocolates to your beloved, it says, "You could pig out on this tub of lard and bloat out to three tons, but you'd still be the apple of my eye." It doesn't matter if it's true -- it's the message that counts. But the real reason to give your loved one chocolates is because any loved one worth her salt will turn right around and offer you some. It's a win-win no matter how you look at it. Buy her a red one shaped like a heart, and you're in like Flynn.

Fancy Curly Things:
Flair and flourishes are romantic. Whenever you get her a greeting card, get one of the ones with all the curly pink scribbles on it. When you write her letters, make the tails of the 'g's and 'y's really long and the loops in the 'd's and 'b's and 'p's really big. That's way romantic. Notice how romantic the title banner at the top of this page is? The 'R' is particularly romantic, because it's red.

The Most Intrinsically Romantic Thing Ever:
Based on the data above, the single most romantic thing in the universe can be calculated scientifically. It is, simply, a small red candle made out of chocolate and shaped like a teddy bear holding a heart with scribbles all over it that plays a tune when you wind it up. Toss her one of these at sunset on your way to a frat party, and you'll be able to stay out all night and still strengthen your relationship.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Night foolishness

Right so me and Mikey took some pics last night...

Cause I'm feeling phat tonight... oh yeah...oh yeah...

We can get along... oh yeah... we can get along...

We were supposed to look intense...I look stoned

And here's some modeling shots...

Monday, February 12, 2007

And its done

Yes, my feast is done, and I only the word AWSOME could describe it.

Honestly it was: three days of spending time with the Lord and getting alot of stuff straight with him could not be described any other way. Had alot of questions about the past... future things too and, well, suffice to say most of them have been throughly answered. Its a happy feeling, almost like getting a big weight off ones shoulders and being able to breathe again.

So yes, for all of you who haven't done it yet, you'll be in for a blast. And for those of you that have, well you probably know what I'm talking about.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Don't It Just Make You Laugh?

Well so here it is, I was going on a writing site today just cause I wanted to see the general skill level on there (kind of a semi-hobby of mine when I'm bored) and sometimes you get a good laugh out of some of the opinions on writing there too. Oh but this one I was surfing today, it just takes the cake. They had this thread on "Tips and Advice" where seasoned writers of the site help newbies out and... well... just look at some of the statements from the "seasoned ones" for yourself.

"Reading, in my opinion, not only has little to do with writing but is detrimental to a writers' creativity."

"...the plot is the crutch of the weak writer."

"I don't see a problem in switching the narrators viewpoint..."

"Don't buy any books...Employ your imagination."

(On the subject of reading your own stories) "I get sick when my story sucks. But I simply know it doesn't suck."

"What's plot device?"

"There is nothing wrong with switching protagonists midway in your book..."

"There's nothing to be gained from reading Maupassant..."

"Sometimes description is bad. The reader needs to let his/her imagination roam."

Funny isn't it? Well yes, now children, this is the type of advice you should NOT follow if you want to be a decent writer.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Yes Mari, this is for you

Well would you believe it my psycho has gone crazy on me. She (well actually I) decided to end this ridiculous back-and-forth about who is a better poet and bring it down to a contest between us two. She's mad I tell you, absolutely raving mad and she knows it. Its seems my cure for her writers block has gotten to her head and she thinks now that I'm her bitch. Good God, she forgot already that I practically taught the woman everything she knows about poetry. *grins smugly*

Yes, so do your worst psycho, it'll be quite enjoyable really. God knows I've given you enough to fume about with that last paragraph hahaha.

Oh yes, in case your wondering who I'm talking about here's a link to her http://schmetterliebling.blogspot.com/