Friday, June 26, 2009

Oh Happy Day

Hallelujah!! Allah Ahkbar and all other general happy things!

Michael Jackson is DEAD!

Monday, June 22, 2009


And its times like these I wish I was there.
To protect you from clothes
Lying in the corner
that look like monsters at night.

To whisper in your ear
that I'm not going anywhere
and everything's going to be o.k.

I love you Doll... don't be sad. I'll be there soon.

Monday, June 08, 2009

Thought of the Week

If life could be defined, I would describe it partly as a colon(:) and a period(.). Its full of shit, and sometimes you bleed. But just as those are only parts of the body, and not the whole of the matter, those things are just a part of life, and not all of it.


Friday, June 05, 2009


You know what? Jiminey Cricket is a liar and a thief!! He told me that I should let my conscience be my guide and all that's ended up with me doing is dukeing it out with a pair of fat Caribbean whores over rights to the use of their street. Well I won...wild night actually... but you should come on down sometime on Tuesday and Friday nights, I do a mean hour and a half of busking! (God that's like, so a must-see these days!!) Heheheh...

Ummm yes... there was something I was going to say... oh right! Updates!! See I knew that there was something I forgot but damn I'm just like sooo good at all this remembering jazz and things.:D

So whats been up since I last left you? Well my birthday came, and passed, and 20's a big number YEY! Got to share my birthday with the wonderful occasion of a child being excavated from my friends womb... pretty rockin actually. Cutest little thing that you'll ever see this side of the Mississippi. Started working on the Duke of Whores a bit more and finished writing another short story... don't have a title for it yet, but its some random Fairy Tale thing... personally, I blame Wilde, but that's another matter all on its own.

I want to meet Edward Cullen so I can murder him... vegetarian vampire... PAH! More like gay. All of you ladies that have fallen for him: YOU HAVE BEEN DECIEVED.

But yes... so have Obama fans for that matter too.
