Friday, August 01, 2008

HAPPY BIRTHDAY.................(again)

A year... that's a long time when you really think about it. There's so much that you can do in that single amount of time. You could read a book, (or several, if your clever) trudge all fifty states, absorb poetic thought, share a dinner followed by stargazing for two... most of this last year though has been spent in missing you.

Its a funny thing, you know, missing someone like you. You get this feeling all in your gut like your hungry and tired and burst out into the biggest grin whenever you recall some simple, childish memory. I guess that's why I can't explain all the smiles I've had this year. I don't think anyone would understand if I told them its just because I'm missing you.

But hey, that's part of life--and if there's one thing that I'll remember about you is how you taught me to smile on in spite of anything. I still mess up at it from time to time, but someday I'll be as good at it as you.

I hope your smiling today. If I was king then I'd make today a national holiday. I'm so happy for all that you've done this past year and all that you'll do for the Lord this year coming. He's real proud of you darling, you know? I know he is! Your all that he's talked about for days and days.

Well, I hope this hasn't been too mushy, but I hope you party like a rockstar today. Hell, you deserve it, its our 19th BIRTHDAY!!!!

Happy birthday Kiesha, I love you! So smile o.k?


At 3:33 PM , Blogger Aslkajack said...

hey Dre... thanks so much, that's so sweet of you! It really means something.... and thank you for the prophecy. I was thinking how a prophecy from Jesus is probably one of the best birthday presents I could receive. A birthday post from you is probably the next one. And by the way, sometimes I smile just because you are. Love you tons! xoxox

At 8:46 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday lil lady


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