Friday, March 21, 2008


In the absence of anything more creative, here is something I’ve always wanted to write. (Stalkers, please take note at this point.) It’s just random bits of personal information/opinions. Regardless of the theory that it’s supposed to be impossible to write a complete self-biography I assure you that I will someday.

The first piece of verse I ever wrote was when I was 6. I liked my big sisters best friend and she laughed at me when I showed it to her.

I can crack all my toes and both my ankles.

Spanish originally was my first language.

My entire family is Star Trek fans and, when I was a kid, I had a thing for 7 of 9. Ariel too… but she’s a cartoon character.

My first short stories were rip-offs from Sherlock Holmes Case Book. Yes… my detective even smoked a pipe too, damnit!

I used to hold, in depth, psychology sessions with myself and write it all out on paper. I was both doctor and patient. Quite fun, actually.

I don’t care how gross it sounds, plum sauce and salted apples is pretty much the bomb.

Really now, during the battle of Blenheim what were Tallard and Clérambault thinking?

I once began to write a script for the purpose of sending it to the Wachowski brothers to show them how Matrix 3 should really have ended.

I don’t like papaya in any way, shape, or form.

The first pet I had was a turtle and I loved her. Her name was Snaps. I wrote a book on Turtles in dedication for her. She ended up boiling to death.

I once went for 36 hours without sleep to protest some punishment my parents gave me.

When I’m drunk I’m known to either tell the harsh truth or lie about nearly everything.

And yes… well there you have it. Oh wait, I’ve never licked a sparkplug, and I’ve never sniffed a stinkbug, and I’ve never painted daises on a big, red, rubber, ball. I’ve never bathed in yoghurt, and I don’t look good in leggings, and I’ve never been to Boston in the fall.

Heh..I really wanna see the new Veggietales movie. Those guys are brilliant!


At 7:53 AM , Blogger Sharon said...

Haha! My sister loves that Veggie Tales song. She keeps trying to remember how it goes, and gets mad at me when I offer made-up suggestions that she thinks are real at first.
Those psychology sessions sound like fun. And who better to be a psychologist with than yourself!
What a horrible death for your turtle... we can hope she took it like a frog...
Oh, and I like papaya.

At 2:28 PM , Blogger Queen Killjoy said... best friend at the time was...lizzy. and you even drew the pictures in your turtle book. and you forgot that your first horror story was a rip-off of edgar allen poe. :D

At 9:39 AM , Blogger Kelsey Noble said...

Wow Dre, I feel like I know you so much better now. *grin*


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